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Products and Pricing 

The economy is tough and a generic resume and cover letter is not going to land you the job of your dream. We offer tailored/targeted resume and cover letters that will take you to the next level. Resumes and cover letters are meant to be an assest not a hurdle. 
Professional Resume


A professional resume is your first chance to make a lasting impression on an employer. Why would you want to give them a generic resume. We offer tailored resumes meant to land you in the interview pile not the trash pile.

Professional Resume




Cover Letters


Employers hate generic cover letters. They know that you have used these cover letters for mulitiple jobs and they are not impressed. Going the extra step with a targeted cover letter demonstrates to the employer you want this job and that you have the qualifications.

Cover Letter



Thank You


Employer expects a thank you note after each interview and often times is disappointed when they do not recieve one. A thank you note can set you apart from the crowd.

Thank You Letter




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